Competition 2023/2024

My future, my ideas!

With 127 artworks, media creations and concrete actions from over 1'800 students from 15 Swiss cantons, the 9th edition of the Eduki Competition broke all records! This wave of creativity and dedication shows the vitality and engagement of the Swiss youth towards a sustainable future. The jury and the prize committee had a difficult task choosing among the projects submitted to the competition and to the Françoise Demole Award. The awards ceremony that took place on the 15th May 2024 in the prestigious Palais des Nations was a moment of joy and appreciation for all the participants. The winners are listed below, all projects presented during the competition can be found in our online archive. Our warmest congratulations go to all the participants for the remarkable quality of their work and their dedication.

The winners of the 9th edition of the competition and the 3rd edition of the Françoise Demole Award have been revealed on Wednesday, 15th May 2024. More than 600 young people and their teachers came to the Palais des Nations, seat of the United Nations in Geneva, for an unforgettable ceremony. In this iconic setting of international Geneva, the students discovered the projects awarded for their excellence and creativity. Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva started off the ceremony, followed by speeches from Ambassador Anna lfkovits Horner and Mrs. Francine de Planta, president of the Eduki Foundation and Ms. Christina Kitsos, Vice-President of the Department of Social Cohesion and Solidarity of Geneva

The ceremony was moderated by Salma Aattar et Marc Klinckmann, two young people engaged in youth initiatives, and opened by singer Maryne, an up-and-coming musical artist. 
Midway through the ceremony, several children took part in the symbolic act of commemorating the centenary of the Geneva Declaration, including a speech by Christina Kitsos. 

In collaboration with several entities of international Geneva, workshops and activities to learn more about international cooperation were proposed for the classes in the context of the ceremony.This include visits of the Palais des Nations or the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum (MICR), as well as workshops with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the Greycells association, the social enterprise Cuisine Lab or the International Institute of childs rights. 

Prize-winning works


Media creation

Concrete action

Primary - 1st prize

La belle vie des animaux
Le Cerf Feuillu - Ecole en Forêt, GE


Primary - 1st prize

Voyage dans l'ile de Nork
Groupes HPI / Ecole du Platy, Villars-sur-Glâne, FR

Primary - 2nd prize (ex aequo)

Primarschule lm Birch, ZH


Primary - 2nd prize (ex aequo)

Unsere ldeen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
Primarschule Embrach, ZH

Primary - 2nd prize (ex

Impact positif sur notre environnement - l'exemple de la réutilisation du carton
École primaire Tour-de-Trême, FR



Primary - 2nd prize (ex aequo)

Projektwoche « Energie »
Schule Sarnen, OW

Secondary I - 1st prize

Start Up ... Green ! Wie Firmen spielend nachhaltig werden. Ein Gesellschaftsspiel für 4-6
Sekundarschule Speicher, AR

Secondary I - 1st prize

Collège de Vuillonnex, GE

Secondary I - 1st prize

Diversität in Bildern, ein FotoWettbewerb
zu den SDGs!
Ecole Divergenta, BE

Secondary I - 2nd prix

If you want to breathe clean, go
École Internationale de Genève (La Châtaigneraie), VD

Secondary I - 2nd prize

Détective énergie
Collège de Vuillonnex, GE

Secondary I - 2nd prize (ex aequo)

Posten für den Erlebnisweg gestalten
Kreisschule Thierstein West, SO

Jury's favourite

Just a girl
École Internationale de Genève (La
Châtaigneraie), VD


Secondary II - 1st prize

An Evolution of our Planet
École Internationale de Genève (Campus des Nations), GE

Secondary II - 1st prize

Lycée Jean Piaget, NE

Secondary II - 1st prize

Raviver les braises du vivant...pour un futur désirable
Lycée Blaise-Cendrars, La Chauxde-Fonds, NE

Secondary II - 2nd prize

École Internationale de Genève (Campus des Nations), GE

Secondary II - 2nd prize (ex aequo)

For some a waste, for some a daily save
Gymnasium Muttenz, BL

Secondary II - 2nd prize

Allez les vers (le retour)
Centre de la Formation Préprofessionelle (CFPP), GE


Secondary II - 2nd prize (ex aequo)

Le parcours d'une femme dans
une société d'hommes
Lycée cantonal de Porrentruy, JU

Jury's favourite

L'intégration est possible pour n'importe qui!
Collège Sismondi, GE


Eduki "Coup de Coeur" award

Lycée Jean-Piaget, NE



Françoise Demole Award 2024

The Françoise Demole Award was bestowed to the following projects:

 Des villes plus durables en Suisse et dans le monde.

Allez les vers (le retour)

Centre de la Formation Préprofessionelle (CFPP), GE

 Un jardin pour la meilleure des planètes

« Xirup: l'élixir de fruit »

Lycée Blaise-Cendrars, La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)

 Un jardin pour la meilleure des planètes

« Hive'Five »

Lycée Blaise-Cendrars, La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)


Press file(FR) and press release(FR) - PDF - 0.5 Mo
Final report (FR) - PDF - 4.7 Mo

Videos & Photos

Aftermovie of the ceremony, 15 may 2024 

Created by Junior Team

Photos of the ceremony, 15 May 2024

Concours 2023/2024 : remise des prixl album

Photo credits: © Sigfredo Haro | Fondation Eduki

Partners of the competition

The Eduki Competition 2023/2024 could not take place without the valuable support of our partners, associated partners and our sponsors whom we warmly thank.

partenaires du concours


Associated Partners



Municipalities supporting the competition


Competition Sponsors
