Françoise Demole Award
This award aims to support initiatives from young people in Switzerland in relation with "International Geneva" and in the field of sustainable development.
Submissions to the Françoise Demole Award open at the same time as those for the competition. The award is open to secondary school students registered for the concrete action category.

The scholarship is generously offered by Mrs. Françoise Demole, an exceptional personality from Geneva, who wishes to give young people the opportunity to take concrete action by providing them with the financial means to realize their project.
Every two years, support of up to 10,000 francs is awarded to one or more exemplary projects presented at the Eduki Competition. Among the criteria, projects must involve a close relationship with an actor in international cooperation engaged in the theme of the competition and based in Switzerland. Numerous entities work in favor of international cooperation throughout Switzerland. Feel free to contact us for more information on this matter.
The 2024 edition of the Françoise Demole Scholarship has been awarded to the following projects:
Allez les vers (le retour) - 4'000 francs
Centre de la Formation Pré-professionnelle (CFPP), Genève (GE)

The 2022 edition of the Françoise Demole Scholarship has been awarded to the project:
« Des villes plus durables en Suisse et dans le monde. Aménagements urbains pour la population de Chavannes-près-Renens. » - 9'000 francs
Gymnase de Renens – Vaud (VD)
An honorable mention was awarded to the project:
« Un jardin pour la meilleure des planètes » - 1'000 francs
CSSP Sion Classe spéciale de stage pratique, Valais (VS)
The 2020 edition of the Françoise Demole Scholarship has been awarded to the project:
« A Serious Game: escape game pédagogique sur les migrations » - 10'000 francs
du Collège et école de commerce Émilie-Gourd – Genève (GE)
Find all the information about the project on the institution's website.
Members of the Françoise Demole Scholarship Committee:

Françoise DEMOLE

Head of Peace and Youth Programs at the Kofi Annan Foundation

Jean-Jacques LIENGME
President of the Tchendukua Switzerland Association, former teacher of geography/civics at Collège André-Chavanne

Dyvuth LO
Project Manager in Finance and Accounting at EFG BANK, Treasurer of the Cambodians Association of Geneva, active member of the Don du Chœur Association

Célia SEPE
President of the Lyoxa Association