Just a girl

Secondary School I: 9P students (13 - 14 years old)

Ecole Internationale de Genève - La Chataigneraie, Vaud (VD)

As part of the national Eduki 2023/2024 competition entitled "My future, my ideas!" focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals, students came up with the following project : " This artwork represents the unrealistic expectations that society has for girls and woman. The objects around the woman are only some of the products that women are expected to use. We also have magazine articles that have been put in real magazines that are widely known around the world - these convey how society sees women's life. We chose a very pink background as it is known as a very ‘feminine’ colour. The 2 sdg’s explored on this piece are equality & wellbeing."

SDGs concerned : gender equality (5) and reduced inequalities (10). 

Just a girl.2024

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