The Sustainable Development Goals: imagine the Switzerland of tomorrow
700 people attended the awards ceremony. It took place on April 22, 2016 in Room XX of the Palais des Nations in Geneva. This event concludes a beautiful batch of projects. More than 1500 students participated with high quality projects. It should be noted that the Eduki Foundation has received works from 5 cantons: Geneva, Vaud, Bern, St. Gallen and Luzern.

The ceremony began with speeches by Mrs. Corinne Momal-Vanian, Director of the Conference Management Department at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Mrs. Anne Emery-Torracinta, State Councilor - DIP, Ms. Nadia Isler, Diplomat Specialist on the Sustainable Development Goals at the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN, Mr. Ivan Pictet, President of the Foundation for Geneva, and Mrs. Martine Brunschwig Graf, President of the Eduki Foundation.
The jury consisted of:
- Ms. Aziyadé Poltier, Communications and Partnerships Officer, United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- Mrs. Magali Herrmann, Teacher of General Culture and German, Henry Dunant Vocational School
- Ms. Laura Schmid, Project Manager at the Office for International Geneva, Presidential Department, Republic and Canton of Geneva
- Mr. Pascal Bolle, Graphic Designer, La Fonderie Collective
- Mr. Rhéal LeBlanc, Head, Press and External Relations, United Nations Information Service in Geneva
The members of the jury decided to award 31 prizes in the artistic, media and concrete projects categories.
The speech of Nicolas Kurek, student of the High school and trade school André-Chavanne and winner of a prize, closed a ceremony which will remain engraved in the memory of the more than 550 young people present.
List of winners
10-12 years old - 1st prize ex aequo
Water source of life
Chouaïb Serir
Lachenal School, Geneva
Was braucht die Schweiz in der Zukunft? Erfindungen
(What does Switzerland need in the future? Solutions)
Klasse MS1d
Oberzil school, St-Gallen
10-12 years old - 2nd prize
La santé dans le monde (Health in the world)
Ikram Serir
Lachenal school, Geneva
12-15 years old - 1st prize
Poésies humanistes (Humanist poetry)
8AB and 8BB Classes
International school of Geneva – La Grande Boissière Campus
12-15 years old - 2nd prize – 2 prizes ex aequo
Sintra Horwitz, Ava Chase and Laura Given
International school of Geneva – Chataigneraie Campus
Finn Eilenbeger
International school of Geneva – Chataigneraie Campus
12-15 years old - 3rd prize
Water about Water?
Classes 8/3 et 8/4
International school of Geneva – Chataigneraie Campus
16-19 years old - 1st prize
Repas d'un Européen (A Europeans meal)
Marta Reguero
International school of Geneva – Chataigneraie Campus
16-19 years old - 2nd prize
Le Poids Social (Social weight)
Xavier Christin, Loïc Ramuz and Konstantinos Haider
International school of Geneva – Chataigneraie Campus
16-19 years old - 3rd prize
Tessa Beer-Alessie, Tara Hiralal, Zoe Klein and Laura Tkatch
International school of Geneva – Chataigneraie Campus
Mentions of the Jury
One future
Maisie Wynd Smith, Louis Savalle, Céline Daelemans and Sebastian Emblad
International school of Geneva – Chataigneraie Campus
Projet Phoenix : savoir renaître de ses échecs ! (Phoenix project: knowing how to be reborn from your failures)
CG414 Class
Centre de la Transition Professionnelle, Genève
Frieden (Peace)
Yaiza Best and Laura Nyffenegger
Thoune high school, Bern
Media projects
12-15 years old - 1st prize
Guerres actuelles : que savent les Genevois
Classe 0933R3
Renard secondary school, Geneva
12-15 years old - 2nd prize
Red group: gender equality
Emilie Corboud, Aminata Cupelin, Galia Depraetere Malena, Laura Gazzola, Luis Ichaccaya Walter, Cristina Jigau and Jules Stahli
Aubépine secondary school, Geneva
Green groupe: equality
Nerjis Alkaabi, Laura Baumgartner, Margot Blanchet, Mila Bron, Annabel Caybill et Rhéa Stettler.
Aubépine secondary school, Geneva
12-15 years old - 3rd prize
Pink group: Water
Nicolas Monbaron, Ian Nicol, Sebastian Nunez, Mathieu Perrin and Baszanger Ioann
Aubépine secondary school, Geneva
16-19 years old - 1st prize
Blaues gold (Blue gold)
Tanja Pieren, Mirjam Brütsch and Rebekka Wahl
Thoune high school, Bern
16-19 years old - 2nd prize ex aequo
Michèle Frei, Davina Gygax and Lara Perren
Thoune high school, Bern
18 Interviews mit Vereinen (18 interviews of associations)
2bW class
Wil school, St-Gallen
Mentions by the jury
Wasser für alle - Die Entstehung eines Frosches (Water for all - the birth of a frog)
Kim Brugger, Carl Gabriel, Eva Röhrig, Ronja Novothny, Mauro Secli, Chiara Ravelli, Faylin Hofmann-Altermann, Gabriel Hans
Scuola Vivante, St-Gallen
Concrete Project
10-12 years old - 1st prize
Cooperative games in the service of peace at school
7e1, 7e2 and 7e3 Classes
Institut International de Lancy, Geneva
12-15 years old - 1st prize
Changing the world
1035 English class
Aubépine secondary school, Geneva
12-15 years old - 2nd prize
Triage brigades
Classe 1013 CT
Drize secondry school, Geneva
12-15 years old - 3rd prize ex aequo
The little book that will become a library
Hanae Garcon, Elisa Brusi, Tahyna Berthier, Laura Strubler, Ines Hayoz, Nikita Könemann, Betty Mikeal and Hamza M’Timet
Foron secondary school, Geneva
Zum Beispiel Flüchtlingsfrage(n) (For example: the refugee issue)
Scuola Vivante, St-Gallen
Mentions of the jury
La classe 9.71SA s'engage à soutenir les Droits Humains et l'égalité entre les filles et les garçons
Classe 9.7ISA
Grandes-Communes secondary school, Geneva
16-19 years old - 1st prize
World of chiottes - Game of Trône
2MP01 and 2MP02 classes
Aimée-Stitelmann high school and commercial school
16-19 years old - 2nd prize
Youth Climate Dialogues
2aL and 3iW classes
Burggraben school, St-Gallen
16-19 years old - 3rd prize ex aequo
Manque de sommeil chez les jeunes : dangers, conséquences et préventions
Nicolas Kurek
André-Chavanne high school and trade school
Wasser für uns, nur für uns ? (Water for us, only for us?)
Lukas Jud, Tim Bandel , Nicola Büttiker and Constantin von Segesser.
Alpenquai high school, Luzern