Internet, postal services and telecommunications

Today, the world is governed by telecommunications, information and communication technologies (ITC); indeed, the proper use of these technologies is an essential tool for development and the global economy. However, there are still many who do not have access to ITC.

This is why international cooperation plays an important role in telecommunications, postal services and the development of new information technologies in order to share these indispensable instruments within countries.

Internet, postal services and telecommunications

Documents to download

Available only in French

Internet, post and telecommunications
Dossier Internet, poste et télécommunications
ITU | fr | File (PDF)
Internet, post and telecommunications
Fiche Internet, poste et télécommunications
ITU | fr | File (PDF)
Internet, post and telecommunications
Fiche d'activités Internet, poste et télécommunications
ITU | fr | File (PDF)
Internet, post and telecommunications
Dossier Liberté d'expression (Hors série)
ITU | fr | File (PDF)
Internet, postal services and telecommunications

What is the name of the international organization, created in 1947, whose headquarters are in Geneva and whose purpose is to facilitate communications?

  • Eduki-icone-OMS

    International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  • Eduki-icone-UIT

    World Health Organization (WHO)

  • Eduki-icone-BIT

    International Labor Office (ILO)

Internet, postal services and telecommunications


Find interesting videos here that will introduce you to the field of telecommunications.