Competition 2021/2022
Let's go sustainable! Think global and act local
After two years of living with the pandemic, the national school competition on the Sustainable Development Goals offered students from all over Switzerland the opportunity to reflect and work together for a more sustainable future.
The awards ceremony held May 4, 2022 at the Palais des Nations (UN office in Geneva), was an opportunity to meet and celebrate the work accomplished. The juries designated the winners of the competition and the projects chosen for the Françoise Demole Award. The list of laureates can be found below, and all the competition projects are available in the “resources” pages.
Eduki congratulates all the participants for the quality of their work and their commitment.

Eduki competition 2021/2022 "Let's go sustainable! Think global and act local"
Videos of the competition
Teaser video of the competition
Making-of video of the comptetition, made by apprectices from Espace entreprise
Program of Léman Bleu TV, GO solutions durables, 52' episode of 11.05.2022 about the competition and the awards ceremony
Artwork |
Media |
Concrete action |
Primary - 1st prizeLa pêche aux bons gestesÉcole De Budé-Genêts-Crêts, GE |
Primary - 1st prizeVoyons les personnes avant leurs handicapsÉcole primaire de Pinchat, GE |
Primary - 1st prizeLe guide du citoyen responsable des Ponts-de-MartelÉcole des Ponts-de-Martel, cercle scolaire de la Chaux-de-Fonds, NE |
Primary - 2nd prizeTerre HappyÉcole Primaire Moser, GE |
Primary - 2nd prizeChanger le monde de manière créative (Kreativ die Welt verändern)Primarschule Embrach, ZH |
Primary - 2nd prizeL’avenir dans nos mainsGroupes HPI / écoles de Villars-Vert et Avry, FR |
Primary - Jury's favouriteOurs polaire en dangerÉcole primaire de Pinchat, GE |
Primary - Jury's favouriteSavons la planèteInstitution Saint-Raphaël, VS |
Secondary I - 1st prizeRenaturer l’habitat et protéger la biodiversitéÉcole française internationale de Berne, BE |
Secondary I - 1st prizeFast FashionKantonsschule Alpenquai Luzern, LU |
Secondary I - 1st prizeUn pour tous, tous pour la planète !École française internationale de Berne, BE |
Secondary I - 2nd prizeMechanical WhaleÉcole Internationale de Genève (La Châtaigneraie), VD |
Secondary I - 2nd prizeKlimaschutz (Protection du climat)Kantonsschule Alpenquai Luzern, LU |
Secondary I - 2nd prize (ex aequo)Le RE-cycle d’orientationC.O. des Voirets, GE |
Secondary I - Jury's favouriteDe l’objet au déchet. Fables contemporaines pour une transition écologique sereine.C.O. de Drize, GE |
Secondary I - Jury's favouriteApprendre à questionner pour mieux comprendre les pratiques de consommation et les conceptions sur le développement durableC.O. de Bois-Caran, GE |
Secondary I - 2nd prize (ex aequo)Épicerie participative, solidaire et localeC.O. des Voirets, GE |
Secondary II - 1st prizeThe shadow of our wastesÉcole Internationale de Genève (Campus des Nations), GE |
Secondary II - 1st prize (ex aequo)La BouletteLycée Jean Piaget, NE |
Secondary II - 1st prizeDes villes plus durables en Suisse et dans le monde. Aménagements urbains pour la population de Chavannes-près-Renens.Gymnase de Renens, VD |
Secondary I - 2nd prizeL’écovesteLycée Jean Piaget, NE |
Secondary II - 1st prize (ex aequo)La radio sauve les alimentsGymnase de Burier, VD |
Secondary II - 2nd prizeUmweltwoche (Semaine de l’environnement)Gymnasium Bäumlihof, BS |
Secondary II - Jury's favouriteServes up!École Internationale de Genève (Campus des Nations), GE |
Secondary II - 2nd prizeInterviewer la Jeune GénérationGymnase de Burier, VD |
Secondary II - Jury's favouriteAVAO-Acheter, Vendre Avec Originalité. Une boutique de vêtements de seconde main, dans un établissement du secondaire IICEC André-Chavanne, GE |
Jury's favourite special COVID-19Mutations urbaines liées à la crise sanitaire. Approche géographique et artistique.Gymnase de Renens, VD |
« Des villes plus durables en Suisse et dans le monde. Aménagements urbains pour la population de Chavannes-près-Renens. »Gymnase de Renens – Vaud (VD) |
A mention of encouragement of 1'000 CHF was awarded to the project:
«Un jardin pour la meilleure des planètes »CSSP Sion Classe spéciale de stage pratique, Valais (VS) |
Members of the Françoise Demole Award Committee 2022:
- Françoise Demole, Patron
- Salman Bal, Director of the Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI)
- Jean-Jacques Liengme, President of the association Tchendukua Suisse, retired teacher geography from André-Chavanne highschool
- Dyvuth Lo, Finance and accounting project manager at EFG BANK, treasurer of the Association des Cambodgiens de Genève, active member of the Association Don du Choeur.
- Maud Roure, Head of Peace and Youth Programs at the Kofi Annan Foundation
Press release (French) et Press kit (French) - PDF - 0.5 Mo
Final report of the competition (available soon) - PDF - 3.4 Mo
Photos of the ceremony
Photo credit: © S. Haro | Fondation Eduki
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